The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has set the deadline for ELD compliance and the effective date is December 18th of this year. When it becomes effective, roadside enforcement officers will be issuing citations to commercial drivers that do not have the required device on board.
Any trucks that are 1999 models are older are exempt and will not be required to have the device, but newer models from the year 2000 to present have to be equipped with an ELD device. There are multiple resources for obtaining a device, but you need to make sure the device you choose is compliant. The Linxup LELDVAS1 and the Stoneridge EZ-ELD shown below are both 100% compliant with the new FMCSA regulations. Click on either device to view the details of the product.
Any trucks that are 1999 models are older are exempt and will not be required to have the device, but newer models from the year 2000 to present have to be equipped with an ELD device. There are multiple resources for obtaining a device, but you need to make sure the device you choose is compliant. The Linxup LELDVAS1 and the Stoneridge EZ-ELD shown below are both 100% compliant with the new FMCSA regulations. Click on either device to view the details of the product.